Y-oU'rE tHe bEsT fOrLIfE.......
O-nce in my lifetime, you've touched my ways
U-ltimate source of encouragement, because of you i
'R-egain the hope to face the realities of life
E-versince you've been a part of me, you bring out the best in me.
T-ime would make us apart but remember
H-ere in my heart, your memory as a friend will be left, in
E-very age, no one could take your place in mly heart.
B-elieve ne or not, You're the best forlife!
E-ven our friendship is not that long...
S-urely, such a friend like you,
T-ill forever is your menory, those moments we've shared together...
F-orlife means forever for me!
O-f all the persons i've met you've been so special, for the
R-eason behind is that i treasured you so much
L-ove is the reason why and how is that so..
I-nspite of failures and heartaches, our
F-riendship lasts that long 'till forevermore
E-verything becomes possible because of only you and me..
The New Fuss About Voodoo
5 years ago
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